Title Partner
Title Partner

Volunteering with us is a fantastic way to learn new skills, meet new people, and support people across Sussex.

We’re always looking for help at our fundraising events; you don’t need any specific skills to volunteer with us, just enthusiasm to get involved.

At this time, we are only onboarding volunteers over the age of 18 due to our safeguarding policy, and we don’t offer any work experience or volunteering opportunities within our programme delivery.

Complete the form below to register your interest in volunteering and our team will get back to you with a volunteer application form.  

Volunteer with us

Get in touch

Your data will be held by Brighton & Hove Albion Foundation in a central database and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, The Data Protection Act 1998, and Brighton & Hove Albion Foundation's privacy policy which can be found at www.bhafcfoundation.org.uk/privacy.

Title Partner