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How Lily has been helped by Albion in the Community
10 December 2021

How Lily has been helped by Albion in the Community

Like many young people, 12-year-old Lily Putman has grown up in a house full of football fans; unlike other children her age, however, playing the sport she and her family love has not always been easy. Lily has spina bifida and is paralysed from the waist down. Sadly, throughout her young life she has had
Supporting Daniel during lockdown
10 December 2021

Supporting Daniel during lockdown

For many of the people Albion in the Community works with, support during the period of lockdown has been vitally important. People like Daniel Passey-Stone, who has been a part of the charity’s football session for people with Down’s syndrome for eight years, having first started as a seven-year-old. As an energetic sports fan, Daniel
Giving Finley an opportunity through autism football sessions
10 December 2021

Giving Finley an opportunity through autism football sessions

Like many young children, Finley Forsyth was eager to lace up his football boots and play for his local team. However, the budding footballer soon encountered a stumbling block. The nine-year-old player with autism struggled to feel accepted within mainstream football. In previous sessions, Finley often felt alienated from the group and this sense of
Helping Lawrance lose nearly two stone in just 12 weeks
10 December 2021

Helping Lawrance lose nearly two stone in just 12 weeks

The Kick Off the Weight programme has dramatically changed Lawrance Butterworth’s perception on diet and exercise, and helped a group of men lose more than 12 stone. In terms of healthy eating and regular exercise, many across the country abandoned this way of life as soon as the country was plunged into lockdown. Lawrance fell
Supporting Archie to participate
13 February 2019 Latest news

Supporting Archie to participate

Albion in the Community (AITC) is the area’s largest provider of football opportunities for people with a disability, with the charity’s 30-plus sessions regularly attended by more than 500 people. As well as its inclusive, pan-disability sessions, AITC has a range of disability-specific clubs aimed at providing a level playing field to those taking part.

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